Types of Boundaries

Setting boundaries are a crucial part of creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Relationships can be ones that are personal, professional, or social.  Boundaries help people to understanding what is acceptable to…

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Tips for Regulating Your Central Nervous System

When trying to maintain your emotional well-being and managing stress keep these various tips in mind and begin practicing on your own.  Deep Breathing: Practicing deep breathing techniques like diaphragmatic…

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Strategies for getting comfortable with uncertainty

✨Mindfulness and Awareness: Practice mindfulness to become aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment. ✨Change Perspective: With curiosity using uncertainty as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and discover new…

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🌟 Finding Balance: Reducing Burnout 🌟

Reduce Burnout It’s essential to prioritize self-care and maintain a balance to prevent burnout. Often people notice they need a break when they’re feeling rundown or exhausted. Here are some…

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Creating Healthier Behaviors

Function of Behaviors Often we judge ourselves harshly for certain behaviors, failing to notice that these behaviors might serve the function of protecting us or have been used as a…

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